Merry Christmas & a Happy 2025 to you all, thanks for being a part of our journey

About Our Organization

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Help The young generations

Who We Are!

Huys Link Community Initiative (HUYSLINCI), an independent, a not-for-profit, and nongovernmental organization that started in 1999 with a primary goal of building a society where young people enjoy their rights and take responsibility to realize their full potential.

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Huyslink community initiative

Join the community to educate & arm the future generation with knowledge

Our Statements

A just and loving society where young persons enjoy their rights and take responsibility to realize their full potential

To contribute to Protection, Survival and Development of the vulnerable young persons in difficult circumstances

Our Culture

Our Guiding Principals

Our approach to supporting youth centers on participation, empowerment, and development. We work within communities, recognizing young people in difficult situations as individuals with rights, deserving love and care. Together with community members, we assess needs, set priorities, and empower local solutions for lasting impact. We are proud to be a community-driven organization.

In order to achieve the above we ensure:

Mutual Respect

We are dedicated to ensuring that every partner, beneficiary and employee is treated with dignity and respect, and that differences are valued and individual abilities and contributions are recognized. We love diversity!

Competitive life skills & positive behaviour

We equip young persons with competitive life skills and positive behaviour to aid them in making good and realistic choices, contribute to the transformation of their own lives and the communities within which they live and originate, when they grow up.

Long term support to young persons

We offer long term support to young persons, which is not bound by a specific style/formula of activities, but rather, a commitment to help them make progress, at their pace and abilities and in ways that work for them.

Reach out to young persons

We reach out to young persons, particularly the most at risk, so that no one is forgotten, neglected, left without hope but given an opportunity to live their dreams

Model Humane Young Minds

We preach and cultivate appropriate attitudes and practices in the public domain so that young persons are no longer exploited or viewed as a commodity, but as individual human beings with rights, obligations, and responsibilities, and with value.

Huyslinci Organs


This is the supreme governing body of HUYSLINCI, composed of founder members and registered members of the organisation.

Board of Directors (BOD)

The management of the organization is under a 7-member BOD, elected by the Forum members. The BOD provides the leadership, policy direction and plays the general advisory role.

The secretariat

The secretariat runs the day-to-day activities of the organization. The HUYSLINCI Board of Directors recruits and appoints the Executive Director who then heads the secretariat. Currently the Executive Director with support of 17 staff members, runs the secretariat.

Special thanks to Our Volunteers

Without you, we would hit these milestones and peek at these horizons