Engagement of Most at Risk Populations (MARPs) to scale up comprehensive Evidence–based HIV Prevention in 4 selected Sub-Counties of Wakiso District.
Supported by Civil Society Fund (CSF)
With the existence of a multitude of factors that fueled new HIV/Aids infections in Uganda to worrying levels and Wakiso District being in the spotlight due to its multifaceted characteristics i.e. urban, rural and semi-urban that offer platform to all sorts of activities, formal and informal, legal and illegal, overt and covert, HUYSLINCI secured a 3 year funding from the Civil Society Fund (CSF) from October 2013 to implement a project titled: Engagement of MARPs to scale up comprehensive Evidence–based HIV Prevention in 4 selected Sub-Counties of Wakiso District.
The project was implemented in 27 parishes that make the Sub Counties of Mende, Ssisa, Nabweru and Kasanje, all in Wakiso District.
Target population: Fisher folk, Boda boda riders, Youth-out-of school and Sex workers in hard-to-reach fishing communities. The total population in project area was 395, 900.
189,400 of them are Male and 206,500 are Women. 15% of them (59,100 people) were reached directly.
Results:1. Empowered 4,500 members of the fishing communities of Wakiso to ably and consistently demand for quality HIV/AIDs services and claim inclusive delivery of the services within the 3 years of the project.
To achieve that, we worked with local government structures to reach-out to the community, used local government technical departments to facilitate some capacity building interventions and gave training to the most at risk populations on HIV Prevention responses to unique concerns of targeted populations. Among the categories that were empowered/trained included: Boda boda stage leaders, youth councilors, representatives of youth out of school, local leaders, Beach Management Units (BMUs), bar owners and VHTs.
Thanks to Mildmay and TASO Uganda for supporting our efforts especially in regards to Health Systems Strengthening at local level.2. Empowered and supported the adoption of safer sexual behaviours/practices among 25,500 most at risk populations including but not limited to youth out-of-school, boda boda riders, fish folk and commercial sex workers (CSWs) in bars, in the 4 targeted sub-counties within the fishing communities of Wakiso district during the 3-year project.
To achieve that, we used IEC materials tailored to unique concerns of the targeted populations (10,000), worked with community volunteer committees (CVCs) and village health teams (VHTs) to enhance monitoring mechanisms; made and supported care and referral mechanisms to ensure comprehensive and holistic utilization of HIV services; made publicity drives using the HUYSLINCI brass band, worked with the youth and savings and loan associations for safe male circumcision (SMC), confidential BCC sessions and day and moon-light HCT mobilization and community dialogues through films and documentaries on behavioral change. We also established and equipped 150 strategic condom distribution centers which are still functional
Thanks to our partners: AMREF for SMCs; ICOBI for HBHCT; MJAP for HCT, Uganda Cares for HCT and BCC services3. Contributed to the creation of an enabling environment that mitigates underlying factors for the spread of HIV epidemic among fishing communities of Wakiso District during the 3-year project.
We did that through TOT workshops against SGBV among targeted populations, conducted interface meetings to build partnerships and seize public gatherings to campaign against socio-cultural drivers for HIV.
In the TOT workshops we empowered 40 community representatives as SGBV ambassadors and advocates who included: local leaders, religious leaders, leaders for boda boda riders, beach management committees, healthy workers and Police officers in charge of children and family affairs.
We also held TOT workshops for youth out of school on SRH.
Our main target groups in this regard were: Fisher folk and fishing community members, Boda boda riders, youth.
Thanks to CEDOVIP and Entebbe Women’s Association (EWA) for partnering with us in ensuring the success of this intervention.4. Built/strengthened the capacity of local HIV prevention structures, health systems and NGOs/CBOs towards adopting a well-coordinated HIV prevention response for the fishing communities during the 3-year project.
We did this through the training of peer educators and capacity building for local structures to create arena for ongoing HIV prevention responses and as such, 200 Peer Educators for Youth-out-of-school, CSWs and boda riders on PHDP were trained, facilitated learning and experience sharing retreats for the trained peer educators; trained 200 existing VHTs and community-based counselors, health workers and BMUs to offer ongoing support in consideration of the exclusive HIV drivers; and conducted quarterly and annual partnership and review meetings for NGOs/CBOs involved on HIV prevention for better HIMS and devising effective coordination mechanisms for the cause.
Our target groups were: Fisher folk, Boda boda riders, CSWs and youth out-of-school
Thanks to DAC, Community Development Departments, sub-county technocrats for the support in executing that agenda.
5. Worked towards improved dignity, quality and length of life of PLHIV in fishing communities during the 3-year project.
In doing so, we worked with our community volunteer committees (CVCs) and VHTs to enhance monitoring mechanisms and mobilization; and Care and referral for comprehensive and holistic utilization of HIV services.
Working with the CVCs and VHTs, we were able to ensure regular referrals for contrimoxazole, TB screening, and home-based care services, conducted quarterly risk reduction counseling sessions to PLHIV in the project area, generated a list of social protection schemes for PLHIV’s economic empowerment and indeed supported them with viable income generating ventures like piggery, goat rearing, trade, commercial vegetable gardening, art and crafts, etc.; and undertook home-based visits to PLHIV for counseling and psychological uplift.
Thanks to our partners: Kajjansi Health Center III, Ndejje Health Center IV, Entebbe Hospital, Katabi Military Hospital, Kisubi Hosipital, Buyege Health Center IV and Kasanje Health Center IV for PMTCT, HCT, family planning, antenatal care, ongoing care and support.