Merry Christmas & a Happy 2025 to you all, thanks for being a part of our journey

Our Priorites

First Things First

Our Priority Areas

Strategically, we:

Support inclusive and equitable quality Education and Lifelong Learning opportunities for vulnerable young persons.
  • We advocate for inclusive education
  • We encourage and support caregivers to sustainably address the educational, nutritional, livelihood and health needs of their households and communities.
  • We promote literacy and the habit of reading in primary and secondary schools for improved learning outcomes
  • We equip older children with contemporary vocational, non-formal, job, and employment skills in for example music, dance and drama, tailoring, knitting, catering, hairdressing, chalk making, liquid soap making, book making, carpentry, etc.
  • We work in partnerships initiated and formed with agencies/companies/institutions with programmes related to ours E.g. Artisan Centers, CSOs, Corporate companies, MDD groups/bands, vocational schools, umbrella bodies, shelters/homes, health facilities, etc.
  • We withdraw children from hazardous/worst forms of child labour, rehabilitate them and reintegrate them in the education system –formal and/or informal.
Support inclusive and equitable quality Education and Lifelong Learning opportunities for vulnerable young persons.
  • We do human rights education and promote human rights observance, monitoring and reporting. We have mainstreamed human rights education, observance and monitoring in all organizational programmes and operations.
  • We have a robust cultural and leadership Development Program that actually works for the current generation of young persons introduced to make them constructive citizens.
  • We build capacities of young persons and community members for them to adeptly engage in sustainable modern agricultural and environmental protection programmes.
  • We equip youth and caregivers with winning skills in entrepreneurship, business development, savings and loan schemes
We strengthen the systems and abilities of HUYSLINCI, its staff to perform core functions in support of all programs, with decreasing levels of external technical support over time.
  • Building the capacities of the Board, management, staff and volunteers of HUYSLINCI to ably perform organizational obligations and make it more efficient, effective, relevant and self-sustaining.
  • Developing and operationalizing additional systems, policies and procedures aimed at making HUYSLINCI a vibrant organization.
  • Turning the HUYSLINCI child and youth development centre into a more attractive hub of excellence
  • Strengthening  the HUYSLINCI monitoring, learning and evaluation system
  • Restructuring the HUYSLINCI Forum/assembly to make it more vibrant with progressive membership involvement and development initiatives
  • Recruiting and maintaining the right staff in appropriate positions
  • Enhancing the culture of learning, sharing and networking